Car Numbers

Car NumbersCar numbers are required for all “closed course” driving evBents – Autocross (AX) and Driver Education (DE) events. By having a permanent car number assigned, you will have the same car number for all driving events. You do not need to request a car number unless you plan to participate in autocross or DE events. A number is not required for concours, tours or rally’s.

Your car number is like a license plate – one per car. If you have more than one vehicle, and plan to drive both of them at either an autocross or DE, you will need a separate car number for each vehicle. If you are a new driver this year, you will be assigned a number when you register for your first RMR driving event. For each driving event you will be assigned a car number randomly unless you request a permanent car number. If you have a “favorite” car number, please contact me to see if it is available.

In order to help keep car numbers from getting stale, you must participate in at least one of RMR’s driving events every two years. When a car number has not been used in either an autocross or DE event for two years, the number becomes “stale” and is returned to the pool as an available number. If you have not participated in an RMR driving event for the last few years, your number could have been reassigned – please check with me before entering an event, especially if you are holding a one or two-digit number as these are popular requests and the first to get assigned. If you currently have a car number assigned that you are not planning to use, please let me know so it can be made available for someone else.

Car numbers must be displayed on your vehicle at all DE and AX events. Light blue contact tape (also known as painter’s tape) will be provided at all events for those cars not having magnetic or permanent car numbers. One can also purchase this tape from any Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc. This tape will not damage the paint on your vehicle.
If you plan on ordering magnetic or permanent numbers for your car, the following specifications should be followed:
Car Numbers

  • Large and readable from afar (at least 9” in height and proportioned stroke)
  • Car numbers are required on both doors of the vehicle
  • Numbers should be a contrasting color, (e.g. white numbers on black or dark-colored cars; black numbers on white or light-colored cars, etc.)
  • Numbers should be simple in appearance with minimal graphics (numbers tend to blend into the graphics when viewed at speed).

The permanent car number listing is unique for RMR DE and AX events. Although you may have a permanent car number on your vehicle from participating in other events (e.g. PCA Club Racing, RMVR, SCCA, etc.), the number on your car may not be available in the RMR pool for autocross and DE events. Please check with me prior to entering an event and every effort will be made to assign you the number on your vehicle or a similar number.

If you have any questions or would like to request/change a car number, please contact Tim Berg